If you want to be sure that your Flight Levels training and the implementation of enterprise-wide agility are up to date, trust the quality of Flight Levels Academy Company Partners.
how to become a Company Partner
- Apply as a company partner (Contact us)
- Organize certified Flight Levels workshops
- Show that you are active by sharing your experience on community events, conferences, blogs, podcasts, etc.
what is a Company Partner
- A Flight Levels Partner Company offers, organizes, and executes certified Flight Level Workshops. A certified workshop is open to the public or conducted as an inhouse consultancy service.
- A Flight Levels Partner Company has own Flight Level Guides or maintains contractual relationships with Guides from the FLG network.
- A Flight Levels Partner Company registers all participants for certification.
- A Flight Levels Partner Company trains at least 50 participants per year.
- A Flight Levels Partner Company is is able to advertise, conduct and invoice high-end workshops professionally.
why become a Company Partner
You position your company at the forefront of Flight Levels Academy experts worldwide who drive Business Agility across entire enterprises.
need to have your own guides?
That’s the long term plan. But if you don’t yet have your own Flight Levels GuidesTM, or would like to test the market: We connect you with our Guides Network, who can deliver workshops for you.