from “Rethinking Agile” by Dr. Klaus Leopold, to Flight Levels Academy

It all started with the customer problem: Companies were making enormous investments into Agile transformations with the result that teams were now working in agile silos instead of functional silos, a lack of collaboration across agile teams, and a transformation that failed or fell asleep.
That led Dr. Klaus Leopold to design a new thinking model called “Flight Levels”. When Klaus began sharing his thoughts during several international conferences, regardless of country, the audience returned with the same feedback “that’s the exact story of my company”.
With that in mind, Klaus wrote the book “Rethinking Agile: Why Agile Teams Have Nothing To Do With Business Agility”.
Since the market demand was enormous and the idea of using the Flight Levels model was taking off, we knew that Klaus couldn’t help all these companies simultaneously, which resulted in founding the Flight Levels Academy (FLA).
and today?
Today, FLA represents an organization with the world's most recognized experts on flight levels and enterprise agility. Our mission is to develop practical and pragmatic process models and tools that enable organizations to cost-effectively adopt enterprise agility and move agilely in the marketplace.
FLA's models and tools are made available to customers through Flight Levels Guides™️, Flight Levels Coaches™️, Company Partners and self-paced online learning programs.
people behind the Flight Levels Academy
Katrin Dietze (managing partner, co-founder) and Klaus Leopold (Inventor of Flight Levels, co-founder) founded Flight Levels Academy on the back of their success, helping leaders at companies bridge the gaps between strategy and effective Agile operations. Maik Helsing (head of technical solutions) and Markus Brandl (head of product development) develop great products and services, and Katarina Blesin (backoffice) makes customers and partners happy.
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